Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 2nd-Fish

Neon Tetras

The neon tetra has a blunt nose. A glowy blue line spans the side of the neon tetra, with red near its tail. When fish is resting its colors will dim but when its awake they are bright.
1. The neon tetra is a peaceful fish.
2. The neon tetra can be kept in a tank with other fish that aren't aggressive and are around the same size.
3. Neon tetras should be kept in groups of around 5 or more.
4. If the neon tetras are left alone in a tank, they will be stressed and nervous, and will hide most of the time.
5. In groups, neon tetras are very active fish.
6. They will be in the middle or lower parts of the aquarium most of the time.
7. Neon tetras enjoy aquariums with a lot of plants.
8. Neon tetras also want places where they can hide if they want to hide.
9. One should feed their neon tetras different kinds of food to avoid malnutrition.
10. If the neon tetras colors look dull during the day, that could be a sign that something is wrong with it.

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