Monday, April 15, 2013

April 2nd-Plans for Aquarium

Our aquarium already had a significant amount of fish in it, so we decided to just keep those fish instead of adding more organisms and possibly disrupt the current ecosystem that seems to be doing just fine. There are many different kinds of fish in the aquarium, one of which is the flame tetra, and there are 3 of them in our aquarium. There are also 4 skirted tetras, along with 1 goldfish, 1 platy, 1 minnow, and 4 mollies. They are naturally tropical fresh water fish, which is the kind of aquarium we have. All of these fish are sensitive to water quality, however we plan to continually check the water quality and keep the proper amounts of bacteria in the water as well as dechlorinating in order to keep the tetras safe from any diseases or harmful effects caused by poor water quality.  I hope that we have a successful aquarium and that all of our fish stay safe and healthy while we are taking care of them, and I hope we can keep our water quality at a good clean and clear level. It would also be cool if one of our fish had a baby while we were taking care of them, especially because there are already a couple of babies in the aquarium from before.

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