Monday, April 15, 2013

April 9th-Ammonia and Nitrate Test

Ammonia Test:
1. Put 5 mL of water into a test tube.
2. Put 8 drops of ammonia test solution #1 into the test tube, making sure the bottle is completely upside down for equal drops.
3. Add 8 drops of ammonia test solution #2 into the test tube, making sure the bottle is completely upside down for equal drop size.
4. Put a cap on the test tube and swirl thoroughly.
5. Let sit for 5 minutes.
6. Compare the color of the water to the card provided in the kit and record results.

Nitrate Test:
1. Put 5 mL of water into a test tube.
2. Add 10 drops of nitrate test solution #1 into the test tube, making sure the bottle is completely upside down for equal drop size.
3. Swirl for 30 seconds.
4. Add 10 drops of nitrate test solution #2 into the test tube, making sure the bottle is completely upside down for equal drop size.
5. Swirl for 1 minute.
6. Let sit for 5 minutes.
7. Compare the color of the water to the card provided in the kit and record results.

Nitrate is a substance made from nitrogen and water, and nitrogen and ammonia come from decomposing organic materials such as fish waste. Ammonia and nitrate can be toxic to fish and plant life, and potentially kill them.

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