Monday, April 15, 2013

April 4th-Water Property Demo

Our water property demo was density of water, alcohol, and oil. Most of the demo went fine, but when too much of one of the ingredients was added, we had to pour some of it out and I think that possibly could have had somewhat of a negative effect on the rest of our demo. The water stayed under the oil as it was supposed to and a little of the rubbing alcohol seemed to go under the oil, however when we let it sit for a few minutes after the demonstration most of the alcohol did end up being on top, the food coloring had mixed together a bit though.

Things I learned during the Water Property Demos:
1. Cold water is less dense than warm water so it will sink under warm water.
2. More buoyant objects will float on top.
3. Acids have a pH below 7.
4. Bases have a pH above 7.
5. A solution is two substances that mix throughout.

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